Seppo Kellomäki, Pekka Niemelä, Heli Peltola, Veikko Koski and Pertti Pulkkinen
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Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Bauwens, B. Dekker, D., Mohren, F., Badeck , F., Cracia, C., Sánchez, A., Pla, E., Sabaté, S., Lidner, M., and Pussinen, A. 2004. European Mitigation and Adaptation potentials: Conclusions and Recommendations. In: Management of European forests under changing climatic conditions. Final report of the Project “Silvicultural Response Strategies to Climatic Change in Management of European Forests” funded by the European Union under the contract EVK2-2000-00723 (SilviStrat) (eds. Seppo Kellomäki and Sanna Leinonen). University of Joensuu, Faculty of Forestry. Research Notes 163: 401–427.