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Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy
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Forests and other biomass resources
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Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy
Wood products
Natural fibre products
Man-made bio-based fibre products
Bio-based nanomaterials
Recycled fibre
Pulping and biorefining
Energy and biofuels
Biomass chemistry and physiology
Material testing and product properties
Forests and other biomass resources
Supply chain
Process control and automation
Asset management
Business and investment planning
Environmental control and management
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Papermaking Science and Technology books
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Measurement of a forest stand
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Forests and other biomass resources
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Authors & references
Timo Pukkala
This page has been updated 06.07.2022
Forests and other biomass resources
Introduction to biomass resources
Trees, forest and forest ecosystems
Structure of a tree
Structure of a tree -Wood
Structure of a tree -Bark, leaves and needles, roots
Functioning of a tree
Carbon uptake and photosynthetic production in whole tree context
Height and radial growth
Reproductive processes
Dynamics of forest ecosystem in interaction between trees and environment
Light within tree and tree population and carbon fixation
Carbon exchange between atmosphere and forest ecosystem
Nutrients in forest ecosystem and geo-biotic cycle
Decay and accumulation of organic matter in soil
Hydrological cycle through forest ecosystem
Long term dynamics and succession of forest ecosystem
Forest succession related to disturbances
Primary production and growth
Growth and yield
Forest ecosystem under climate change
Impacts of climate change on trees in ecosystems
Impacts of climate change on growth and yield
Global forest resources
Global vegetation
Forest formations
Global forest resources and their utilisation
Forest cover
Decline of forest cover
Growing stocking
Removal of round wood and fuel wood
Harvest of non-wood forest products
Primary forests and conservation of forests
Carbon sequestration and carbon stocks
Environmental change and risks for forests
Forest plantations
Prospects of forest plantations
Structure and properties of wood and woody biomass
Biomass components of a tree
Crown mass
Stump and roots wood
Macroscopy and formation of wood
Chemical composition of wood
Primary cell wall constituents
Extractives of wood
Inorganic components of wood
Cell walls and woody cells
Softwood cells
Hardwood cells
Properties of wood as raw material
Juvenile wood
Reaction wood
Moisture content of wood
Basic density of wood
Bark in trees and raw material
Properties of wood for energy
Heating value of wood and bark
Forest inventory and planning
Forest inventory
Measurement of a forest stand
Large area inventory
Sampling concepts
Use of remote sensing in forest inventory
Forest management planning
Mathematical programming
Heuristic methods
Including non-timber benefits into forest planning
Risks dealed in forest planning
Management of forest ecosystems
Forest production in ecological context
Regeneration through natural seeding
Regeneration through planting
Genetic improvement of trees for forest plantations
Management of growing and developing forest over time
Spacing and thinning affecting availability of resources
Thinning regimes and rules
Management of sequestrate carbon and adaptation to climate change
Management for improving timber quality
Management of nutrient resources and site fertility
Management of abiotic risks
Risks of wind damage
Risk of snow damages
Other abiotic risks
Management of biotic risks
Characteristics of pest outbreaks
Resistance mechanism of trees against herbivores and pathogens
Induced defence
Models explaining variation in chemical defence between plants
Biological control in pest management
Effects of forest management and structure on forest pests
Climate change and forest damaged related to pests and herbivory
Management of forests for sequetration carbon in carbon mitigating warming
Carbon stocks in trees and soil
Carbon balance in managed forests
Carbon retentation in forest ecosystems and forest-based prodcution
*Mitigating radiative forcing in forestry and forest-based production
*Mitigating radiative forcing in management
* Radiative forcing related to carbon in ecosystem
* Impacts of replacing fossil fuels and fossil materials on radiative forcing
Management for adaptation to climate change
Management for adaptation- a European example
Timber procurement
Timber assortments
Harvest and timber transport
Logging machinery
Harvesting woody biomass for energy
Opening forest areas for logging by consturcting roads
Storing timber
Organising and planning harvesting operations
Harvesting in industrial plantations
Damage to timber
Abiotic damage
Fungal decay
Comparison of rot types and prevention of rot
Attack by insects and aquatic organisms
Influence of storage on mill processes
Environmental impacts of timber harvesting
Energy consumption and emissions
Impacts on forest site in thinning
Impacts on biodiversity, multiple use, and landscape
Timber trade
Timber measurement
Timber measurement legislation
Timber measurement during logging
Timber measurement at roadside
Measurement of stacked timber
Timber measurement at mill
Measurement of stack volume of pulpwood on the vehicle
Detection of timber quality
Determination of moisture content
Costs involved in timber measurement
Further development of timber measuring methods
Wood markets and cost of wood
Economic structure of in wood procurement
Economics of forest management and wood production
Financial analysis and wood production
Roundwood markets
Global forest related policies and governance
Main issues on global forest agenda
Development of global forest policies and governance
UNCED environmental conventions
UNCED-initiated forest processes
Market-based and -oriented actors and processes
Civil society related actors and processes
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