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Professor Jouni Paltakari, Aalto University
Based on: Alava, M. Paper surface and thermal, electrical and friction characteristics (Chapter 3). In: Niskanen, K. (ed), Paper Physics, (Book 16), Papermaking Science and Technology. 2nd edition. Jyväskylä, 2008, Finnish Paper Engineers’ Association/Paperi ja Puu Oy. pp. 93–127.
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2. Giedt, W.H., “Conduction (heat)” in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 6th edn., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987, pp. 312–317.
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4. Ojala, K. “Studies on infrared drying of paper, use of integrated spheres in FTIR- measurements, and heat and mass transfer in paper”, Doctoral thesis, Helsinki Univ. Technology, Espoo, Finland, 1993.