have a basic understanding of the circular economy policy in Finland.
have a basic understanding of the implications of the circular economy policy in Finland for circular economy, sustainability and environmental management.
have a basic understanding of circular economy policy.
Ministry of the Environment 2020. Circular Economy. [Online] Available from: https://www.ym.fi/en-US/The_environment/Circular_economy [Accessed 25th September 2020].
The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra 2020. The Critical Move. Finland’s Road Map to the Circular Economy 2.0. [Online] Available from: https://www.sitra.fi/en/projects/critical-move-finnish-road-map-circular-economy-2-0/ [Accessed 25th September 2020].
Action Plan for a Circular Economy 2017. [Online] Available from: https://www.ym.fi/download/noname/%7BECA99413-0543-420F-8999-7DD3F1BA18AF%7D/132864 [Accessed 25th September 2020].