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Authors & references
Author: Hans Putz
Lucas, R. and Williams, T., Winding problems associated with recycled fibres and additives in today’s papers. Tappi Finishing & Converting Conference, TAPPI PRESS, Atlanta, 1997
Fernandez, C. and Garnier, G., Retention of Fatty Acid Soaps During Recycling. Part I: A Study Using Packed Beds of Pulp Fibres. J. Pulp Paper Sci. 23(1997) No. 4, p. J144J152
Larson, A., Stenius, P. and Odberg, L., Surface Chemistry in Flotation Deinking. Part II. Svensk Papperstidn. 87(1985) No. 18, p. J165J169
Haynes, D. and Marcoux, H., Evaluation of fatty acid carryover in North American newsprint deinking mills. CPPA 4th Research Forum on Recycling, Quebec, 1997
Holmbäck, Å., Analys av fettsyratvålar och vedharts i en returpappersanläggning. M.Sc. Thesis, Åbo Akademi, Faculty of Chem. Eng., Turku, Finland, 1995
Krüger, E., Göttsching, L. and Mönch, D., Verhalten fixierter Störstoffe im Recyclingprozeß. Wochenbl. Papierfabr. 125(1997) No. 20, p. 986991
Sjöström, L. and Ödberg, L., Influence of Wet-End Chemicals on the Recyclability of Paper. Das Papier 51(1997) No. 6A, p. V69V73
Grau, U., Schuhmacher, R. and Kleemann, S., Einfluß des Recyclings auf die Wirksamkeit von Trockenverfestigern. Wochenbl. Papierfabr. 124(1996) No. 17, p. 729735
Ackermann, C. and Putz, H.-J., Unpublished INGEDE Project. Darmstadt, Germany, 1997