Welcome to ForestBioFacts
The digital learning environment for forest-based bioeconomy
16 themes
Guided learning experience
Learn through the traditional way
How does it work?
Watch ’How to use ForestBioFacts?’ video and start growing with knowledge. Now also available ForestBioFacts audiobook option, where the spoken voice in English and translations into multiple languages are created by artificial intelligence. The Introduction theme is free. When you want to deepen your understanding, you can buy the full access. Does your company or university have the licence? Find out more from your intranet/library.
16 themes – everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies
Recycling processes and development of new solutions for products in the circular bioeconomy
Structure, chemistry and living functions of plants and their analysing techniques
Key elements of sustainable logistics: Physical, information, digital and value chain
Latest environmental issues, possibilities and challenges related to forest industry
Learning path A for forest industry starters without technical background
Learning path A covers the main content of 16 different ForestBioFacts themes through 10 beginner-friendly learning modules. This provides you with knowledge of the entire value chain of forest-based bioeconomy, forest industry products, processes and challenges. Learning path A is designed for users without a technical background at a basic level. Learning path A makes it easier for students or newly recruited company employees to get introduced to the industry and get insight into various areas. At the end of every module, there is a short quiz, to ensure you have internalized the content of the module.
Upon completing Learning path A, you can progress to Learning path B, which offers additional modules that are more extensive and detailed.
Start you exciting yet educational journey here: Safety in forest industry
Learning path B for forest industry starters with technical background
Learning path B covers the main content of 16 different ForestBioFacts themes in 17 learning modules. This gives you overall knowledge of the whole value chain of forest-based bioeconomy, forest industry products, processes and challenges. The learning path makes it easier for students or newly recruited company employees to get introduced to the industry and get insight into the different areas. Each module will guide you through the elected theme or themes. Learning targets are set for each learning module. Each module takes 1 to 3 hours to go through.
Start your journey here: Printing-, packaging-, specialitypapers and paperboards
Papermaking Science and Technology book series
The Papermaking Science and Technology book series covering 20 volumes has acted as a basis for the content of ForestBioFacts. Since 1999 Papermaking Science and Technology books have been used by students and industrial professionals worldwide. Over 10,000 books have been sold to over 40 countries. In the following pages you can find PDF versions of these 21 books, that you can use to deepen your knowledge in paper and board manufacturing process.
How does it work?
ForestBioFacts is a unique digital learning environment encompassing forest-based products and technologies from various viewpoints. The learning environment consists of a free Introduction theme and 15 additional themes. Over 150 top professionals in academia and industry have contributed to the learning environment. The learning environment is based on the earlier-published Papermaking Science and Technology book series but addresses forest-based bioeconomy more extensively. The information is more easily accessible in an electronic format enabling continuous updating. Now also available ForestBioFacts audiobook listening option, where the spoken voice in English and translations into multiple languages are created by artificial intelligence.
16 themes of ForestBioFacts widely cover forest-based products and related technologies and processes. The Introduction theme and all the main pages of the themes are free to use. When you want to deepen your understanding of one or more themes, you can buy the full access for the period that you want.