16 themes – everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies
Recycling processes and development of new solutions for products in the circular bioeconomy
Structure, chemistry and living functions of plants and their analysing techniques
Key elements of sustainable logistics: Physical, information, digital and value chain
Latest environmental issues, possibilities and challenges related to forest industry
How does it work?
Watch ’How to use ForestBioFacts?’ video and start growing with knowledge. The Introduction theme is free to use. When you want to deepen your understanding of one or more themes, you can buy the full access. Does your company or university have the license? Find out more from your intranet/library.
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Guided learning experience
Learning path B covers the main content of 16 different ForestBioFacts themes in 17 learning modules. This gives you overall knowledge of the whole value chain of forest-based bioeconomy, forest industry products, processes, and challenges.

Learn through the traditional way
The Papermaking Science and Technology book series covering 20 volumes has acted as a basis for the content of ForestBioFacts. Find all the books in pdf format.