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Digital learning and its assessment quiz

Hello and welcome!

Before starting this quiz, make sure you are registered and logged into ForestBioFacts, otherwise your answers are not recorded into the system after the finishing the quiz. In order to achieve the best and unbiased results it is important to do this test correctly and to focus. This is an open book quiz and having materials alongside this quiz is allowed. However, speaking and helping each other is not allowed! Once you leave this page, your answers might be gone so if you want to access your materials, please open them in separate tabs. To complete this test, you must answer all questions.  After answering all questions remember to press “Finish Quiz” to successfully submit your answers. After completing this test, please fill in the post-questionnaire. In the post-questionnaire it is highly important for you to elaborate your answer unless otherwise stated.

We are ready to start! Thank you once again for participating!