Forests have an essential role in the earth’s carbon cycle and replacing fossil-based raw materials. They are the key in creating a more sustainable future. ForestBioFacts, the world’s largest digital learning environment on its field, provides everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. It is suitable for new-comers and experienced R&D professionals
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Inspiring Young People in Forest-based Bioeconomy with ForestBioFacts
At the Finnish Museum of Technology’s HOW learning environment, students learn by doing and experimenting. Secondary school students observe causes and effects, seek and connect information, brainstorm, and take initiative. The Museum of Technology, in collaboration with its partners, has created the HOW environment for 7th and 8th graders, which includes 10 different science, mathematics,
ForestBioFacts webinar: Forest and other biomass resources
Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar! ForestBioFacts: Forest and other biomass resources proudly presented by Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI), and scheduled for September 6th at 15:00 EET. ForestBioFacts is a comprehensive digital learning environment with everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. We are presenting interesting developments around each of the 16 themes of ForestBioFacts. Preliminary program:
ForestBioFacts webinar/ lunch event
Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar/ lunch event! Register today for the ForestBioFacts: Environmental control and management webinar/ lunch event proudly presented by Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI). The lunch event is scheduled for Thursday, June 9th at 10:00 – 12:30 EET and takes please at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Finland during PulPaper event (read more about PulPaper). Webinar time is 10:30 – 12:00 EET.
ForestBioFacts: Asset management webinar
Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar! Register today for the ForestBioFacts: Asset management webinar, proudly presented by Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI), and scheduled for Thursday, March 3rd at 13:00 – 14:30 EET. ForestBioFacts is a comprehensive digital learning environment with everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. We are presenting interesting developments around each of the
ForestBioFacts: Business and investment planning webinar
Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar! Register today for the ForestBioFacts: Business and investment planning webinar, proudly presented by Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI), and scheduled for Tuesday, November 30th at 13:00 – 14:30 EET. ForestBioFacts is a comprehensive digital learning environment with everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. We are presenting interesting developments around each
ForestBioFacts: Bio-based nanomaterials webinar
Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar! Register today for the ForestBioFacts: Bio-based nanomaterials webinar, proudly presented by Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI), and scheduled for Thursday, October 14th from 13:00 – 14:30 EET. ForestBioFacts is a comprehensive digital learning environment with everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. We are presenting interesting developments
ForestBioFacts: Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy webinar
Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar! Register today for the ForestBioFacts: Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy Webinar, proudly presented by Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI), and scheduled for Thursday, September 2nd from 13:00 – 14:30 EET. Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy theme is free and open for anyone at ForestBioFacts digital learning environment. It is also the only theme in two languages, English and Finnish. So we
ForestBioFacts: Johdanto metsäbiotalouteen -webinaari
Tervetuloa ForestBioFacts webinaariin! 2.9.2021 kello 10.00-11.30 Ilmoittaudu mukaan Puunjalostusinsinöörit ry.:n järjestämään webinaariin ForestBioFacts: Johdanto metsäbiotalouteen. Webinaari järjestetään syyskuun 2. päivä kello 10.00-11.30. Johdanto metsäbiotalouteen -teema ForestBioFacts oppimisympäristössä on kaikille avoin ja sopii erinomaisesti oppimateriaaliksi metsäbiotalouden perusteisiin. Teema on oppimisympäristössä kahdella kielellä, suomeksi ja englanniksi, ja tästä syystä järjestämme kaksi webinaaria 10.00 suomeksi ja 13.00 englanniksi. Metsien kestävällä käytöllä on keskeinen rooli ihmiskunnan
ForestBioFacts webinar: Pulping and biorefining Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar! Register today for the ForestBioFacts Pulping and biorefining Webinar, proudly presented by Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI), and scheduled for Tuesday, June 29th from 13:00 – 14:30 EET. ForestBioFacts is a comprehensive digital learning environment with everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. We are presenting