Hybrid event: Expanding Value from the Forest on 23 Sep, 2024

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The ForestBioFacts webinar series continues and this time we will arrange a hybrid event in collaboration with Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association, FinnCERES Flagship, and Aalto Design Factory.

Join us to explore some of the latest advancements in the forest sector on September 23. You can join us either in person or remotely via webinar.

  • For live attendees
    • Event at 14:30-18:30 EEST
    • Location: Aalto Design Factory, Espoo, Finland
  • For remote attendees
    • Stream at 15:00-17:00 EEST
    • Webinar link will be shared closer to the event

We have three keynote speakers showcasing pioneering work on new forest products. Monika Österberg from Aalto University will discuss opportunities to boost the added value of the forest sector by expanding the product portfolio. Elina Lohiniva from Andritz will offer new perspectives for valorising forest industry’s underutilized side stream, lignin. Furthermore, Mikko Ruuska from Fiber-X will delve into the challenges and successes of scaling up material innovations in the forest industry.

Additionally, the event will feature dynamic research pitches from the Finnish candidates participating in the prestigious Young Researchers’ Challenge at the upcoming Marcus Wallenberg Prize event.

Join our insightful afternoon with leading experts and learn about the innovations driving value creation in the forest sector.

Participation to the event is free of charge but requires registration by 18 September 2024. Please note that we have limited capacity for live attendance, so reserve your seat on time.

>> For registration and full programme, visit puunjalostusinsinoorit.fi