Editor: Seppo Kellomäki, Professor Emeritus, University of Eastern Finland Forests and other biomass resources Everything you need to know about the sustainable forest management. The global forest area is nearly 4 billion hectares. This is about 30 % of the global land area, and it contains a large part of the biomass
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Material testing and product properties
Editor: M. Sc. (Tech) Petteri Maijanen, ABB Material testing and product properties Understanding the desired product properties and managing the testing methods to monitor them are key factors to improve the quality of the end product in pulp-, paper- and boardmaking. Also, with proper material testing, the end customer can determine the
Biomass chemistry and physiology
Editor: Professor Tapani Vuorinen, Aalto University Biomass chemistry and physiology Everything you need to know about structure, chemistry and living functions of plants and their physiology Green plants are amazing organisms! With their roots, the plants, often in symbiosis with fungi or bacteria, extract water and inorganic nutrients from the soil, transport
Pulping and biorefining
Editor: Professor Emeritus Raimo Alén, University of Jyväskylä Pulping and biorefining Everything you need to know about the processing of wood into fibres and chemical products The utilisation of wood as well as other renewable lignin- and cellulose-containing materials (lignocellulosic biomass) has a long history; our living was almost exclusively based on
Wood products
Editor: B.Eng., journalist, the Finnish honorary title metsätalousneuvos Ritva Varis Wood products Everything you need to know about the sawn timber, plywood, LVL, chipboard and various panels Major part of the value of wood is used to produce engineered wood products. These applications include several sawmilling and wood-based panel products, such as sawn timber,
Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy
Editor: D. Sc. (Tech.) Heikki Hassi, SciTech-Service Oy Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy Wood is a renewable natural material with various uses, and it has always satisfied people’s diverse and ever changing needs. Early hunter-gatherers made use of the strong structure of wood in spears and dwellings, nor to mention its heating value as fuel for cooking
Energy and biofuels
Editor: Professor Esa Vakkilainen, LUT University Energy and biofuels The main manufacturing costs in the European forest industry are the costs of fibre raw material, i.e. wood, recovered paper and market pulp. Energy costs are 12–17 % of the total manufacturing cost and thus they significantly affect the profitability. The share of energy cost
Man-made bio-based fibre products
Editor: Pertti Nousiainen, Professor Emeritus, Tampere University Man-made bio-based fibre products Everything you need to know about texile applications of wood — clothing, hygienic and medical applications. Textile fibre production has exceeded 100 million tonnes during 120 years of its history due to population growth and rising living standards. Fibres based on
Natural fibre products
Editor: Professor Jouni Paltakari, Aalto University Natural fibre products Everything you need to know about the paper, board, tissue and other everyday commodities Natural fibre products are widely present in our everyday life in different forms and ways. This Natural fibre products theme presents products manufactured mainly from wood biomass by chemical