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ForestBioFacts webinar: Energy and biofuels

Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar!

Register today for the ForestBioFacts Energy and biofuels Webinar, proudly presented by Forest Products Engineers Association (PI), and scheduled for Friday, May 21st from 13:00 – 14:30 EET (East European Time).

ForestBioFacts is a comprehensive digital learning environment with everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. We are presenting interesting developments around each of the 16 themes of ForestBioFacts. This month’s theme is Energy and biofuels.

Preliminary program:

Transformation of energy utilization in the Nordic pulp and paper industry
Esa Vakkilainen, Professor, LUT University

Valmet’s climate program and related R&D focus going towards 2030
Janne Pynnönen, Vice President, RTD, Valmet

Black Liquor to Fuel (BL2F) H2020 project, benefits of integration
Tero Joronen, Industry Professor, Tampere University

Webinar attendance is free of charge and available to all interested in ForestBioFacts, register by May 19th, 2021 here.

Welcome to learn ForestBioFacts!