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ForestBioFacts now open!

ForestBioFacts includes everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies in its 16 themes. Also biobased nanomaterials, wood-based textiles, environmental management and investment planning are presented. The Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy theme gives an easily readable overview on possibilities of forest-based bioeconomy and its role in solving the global challenges.

Forest Products Engineers and publishing company Paperi ja Puu Ltd have opened a new digital learning environment for developing the skills of professionals working in the forest-based bioeconomy an supporting the education of universities, today on November, 17th.

“Online materials are needed especially now when the working habits have changed radically and the education in universities is arranged mainly remotely”, says Project Manager of ForestBioFacts, Jenni Sievänen-Rahijärvi.

The globally unique digital learning environment has been developed in the three-year lasting project. ForestBioFacts can be used anytime and anywhere along the daily work. The learning environment is meant for technical professionals in R&D and in production and professionals in sales and business development as well as for university students and employees. It provides an easy way to search solutions for daily challenges, find new ideas for business concepts and increase the general and in-depth knowledge.

ForestBioFacts includes everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies in its 16 themes. The content is partly based on the preceding Papermaking Science and Technology book series but is now more comprehensive and visual and in an easier form to be used. In addition to traditional paper, carton, pulp and wood products, also biobased nanomaterials and wood-based textiles are presented. Forestry, energy and biofuels, process automation, supply chain, asset management, environmental management and business and investment planning are also covered.

The Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy theme gives an easily readable overview on possibilities of forest-based bioeconomy and its role in solving the global challenges. This publicly open theme includes content from sustainable forest management to products and technologies until to study and career opportunities.

18 forerunner companies with leading Finnish universities have been in key role in developing the digital learning environment. Over 150 professionals from academia and industry have contributed to ForestBioFacts.

“Our vision is that ForestBioFacts acts as a practical tool for collaboration of companies and universities in the future”, says Managing Director of Forest Products Engineers and Paperi ja Puu Ltd Antti Lindqvist.

ForestBioFacts is the globally largest digital environment concentrating on forest-based bioeconomy including over 1500 articles, 300 videos, a glossary and a dictionary. Remarkable funds have been received from the Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation, The Finnish Cultural Foundation and Walter Ahlström Foundation.

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