ForestBioFacts webinar: Energy and biofuels

Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar! Register today for the ForestBioFacts Energy and biofuels Webinar, proudly presented by Forest Products Engineers Association (PI), and scheduled for Friday, May 21st from 13:00 – 14:30 EET (East European Time). ForestBioFacts is a comprehensive digital learning environment with everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. We are presenting interesting developments around each

ForestBioFacts webinar: Natural Fibre Products

Welcome to ForestBioFacts webinar! Register today for the ForestBioFacts Natural fibre products Webinar, proudly presented by Forest Products Engineers Association (PI), and scheduled for Friday, March 26th from 13:00 – 14:15 EET (East European Time). ForestBioFacts is a comprehensive digital learning environment with everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies. Now we

ForestBioFacts now open!

ForestBioFacts includes everything you need to know about forest-based products and technologies in its 16 themes. Also biobased nanomaterials, wood-based textiles, environmental management and investment planning are presented. The Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy theme gives an easily readable overview on possibilities of forest-based bioeconomy and its role in solving the global challenges. Forest Products Engineers